Monday, September 1, 2008


When discussing the "cons" of Industrializing pristine landscapes with huge 400 foot Wind Turbines you always get the argument that "progress" has it's costs and the inevitable question: "So what's your answer?"

Here in a nutshell is THE ANSWER! CONSERVATION!

If the Government is offering up billions of taxpayers dollars to offer an "alternative renewable energy resource" instead of allowing a few multi national corporations to grab all that money and plop down a "destructive pile of wind monsters" onto virtually wild, beautiful rural landscapes; why not offer subsidies to individuals who are much more "caring" and responsible" with their own environment.

The following pictures will show what just one family have developed on their little piece of land to "get off the grid". They have used Solar, Wind and Water to generate electricity.

This is a cottage in our beautiful Madawaska Valley that has heated pressurized water for washing and showering. Their small and "green friendly power concept" supplies electricity for lights, TV, fans and small appliances. They use Propane for cooking and though they don't have enough power for things like a freezer or microwave, they enjoy a quality of life that many of us take for granted.

Of course the Government wouldn't want to see a reduction in Hydro Electric use off their grid as then the large Power Corporation would lose valuable revenue.

Somewhat the same problem could arise if everyone would stop buying gasoline. The huge Oil Companies would "lose their shirt!"

All in all this proliferation of Wind Turbine technology that is wiping out wildlife, destroying landscapes, destroying property values and is causing health concerns is all "profit driven" and has nothing to do with "Green Energy"


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