Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sorry, can't support wind turbines

Wind turbines sound great when you first hear about them. Who is against renewable energy? Farmers who struggle to make a living are eying up the $9,000 they are to receive per turbine per year. Ten turbines is a retirement income of $90,000! Who would blame the farmers! And the Bonnechere and Madawaska township councils can see much-needed tax dollars flowing in. But there are problems with the whole scheme. ...Let's make sure that if we choose to install hundreds of 400- foot high turbines in our heritage countryside we do so from informed choice.
August 23, 2008 by Dr. Ben Hoffman in The Daily Observer

There is a real conflict emerging over the proposed wind turbines apparently to be installed from Dacre, all along the Opeongo Line through Wilno, Barry's Bay and to Algonquin Park.

Neighbors are getting set against one another over this; even some families have started to split, brother against brother.

The issue has serious implications for all of Renfrew County.

Wind turbines sound great when you first hear about them. Who is against renewable energy?

Farmers who struggle to make a living are eying up the $9,000 they are to receive per turbine per year.

Ten turbines is a retirement income of $90,000!

Who would blame the farmers! And the Bonnechere and Madawaska township councils can see much-needed tax dollars flowing in. But there are problems with the whole scheme.

Considerable forest will have to be cut to install them, roads built to service them, skylines altered as hundreds pepper the horizon, their red lights flashing at night; and they are noisy too.

I know, because I went to Shelburne Ontario to see them.

So if you are not someone who is going to benefit directly, why support them? Maybe there is a way.

Imagine if only a few were placed strategically along the mountain range.

Out of the way, with little negative environmental and esthetic impact?

Imagine if our provincial and federal members of Parliament went to Queen's Park and insisted that our hydro rates (already higher than in Toronto) be reduced because we are sending alternatively- generated electricity south.

And imagine if the township councils guaranteed every taxpayer a cheque in the mail each year from this new revenue source (like Alberta has done with oil revenues).

These things, however, will likely never take place.

A few turbines make no business sense for the windpower companies.

They will want to install hundreds, as they have in Shelburne.

Our elected politicians will hardly persuade Ontario Hydro to lower our rates.

Township councils will not send us a cheque every year. Except for our few neighbors who will get some money, there seems no net financial, esthetic or green value in having the turbines here at all.

Without turbines what is our economic, social and lifestyle vision for Renfrew County?

Only five per cent of our workforce is now employed in logging and farming. Forty-five per cent of our jobs are in commerce and retail, and tourism.

Reality is that small business, eco-tourism, and potential retirement communities will be strong elements in the future. If we preserve our natural beauty.

Let's make sure that if we choose to install hundreds of 400- foot high turbines in our heritage countryside we do so from informed choice.

My sense is that once we are all informed and determine the net impact, we will choose to say to our would-be wind-farmer neighbor, as I have done with mine, "Sorry old friend, I can't support this project."

The author is the Federal Green Party Candidate, Eganville, ON
Web link:


Anonymous said...

An honest and informed politician! I'm impressed.

Unknown said...

Well This is a fine state of affairs,Brother against brother you say? Do the farmers, who are accepting these amounts of money, realise that to get the power from the tower to the grid is going to affect more than immediate neighbours. I have lived on a forced Road in Ruby (South Algona now Bonnechere Valley) for almost 30 years. We are at the end of the hydo line and telephone line and are happy to be here!.... now the "Hydro One" people are going to erect a 44Kv line up the Wolfe Road all the way to Foymount, across fields,and down Cormac Road widening the Road and in their words "Extensive Tree cutting". probably a 60Ft or 80 Ft swath for What!? or should I say whom, not me for sure, or YOU.... 44Kv line is a pretty big line buzzing 30 Ft from anyones front door??
Yes! lets get informed!!!! NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) is actually NIMBI "Now I Must Be Involved" What is the problem with going down the highway,poles are already there to carry this power to the grid... they have been there for ages...Right?
Why an old heritage Road that is just coming back to it's splendour of yesteryear, with moose and bear,deer, grouse, rabbit, geese and wild Turkey not to mention the abundance of wild birds.....Let's all get involved and sort this mess out and stop being greedy and start reducing our need for Hydro...If we all paid the right price for hydro we would cut back in a heartbeat.... people who are of the grid already are tired of paying the subsidies for people who cannot contain their need for power.