Eganville Leader - October 8/08
Leader staff writer Neil Etienne,at the newspaper’s expense, accompanied three municipal councils and staff – Bonnechere Valley, Greater Madawaska and Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards - and representatives from the County of Renfrew on a tour of Canada’s largest wind farm near Sault Ste. Marie last week to get a sense of their experience and why the tour is so important to this area.
As wind power is such a contentious local issue and with the depth of the research conducted during the tour, the Leader will present its readers with several weeks of features.
We will take an in-depth look as the weeks progress in such areas as the city of Sault Ste. Marie and its longstanding relation to Brookfield, their experience with the process and feelings now the farm is in place. We will look at the local native influence and experience as well as Prince Township, where the farm is located. We will take you on a night and day tour, introduce you to the company operating there and the layout of the site, highlight Madawaska Valley Township’s tour to the Goderich- Shelburne and Kincardine areas and its experience, the similarities and differences, as well as the general feeling of those who attended. – More to come.....................
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