This is just one of the reasons that SOS or Save Our Skyline was formed here in Wilno and surrounding area of the Madawaska Valley. Not only have local townships joined with our group, but neighbouring townships also have representatives that are actively trying to educate fellow residents about the facts behind the Wind Industry who is attempting to "industrialize" our beautiful Valley.
Our local representatives are:
Andrew & Cathy Mask
Peter & Lisa Hubers
Wilno/Barry's Bay
Helen Mandy
Pauline Sedgeman
Lou Eyamie
Bonnechere Valley
Jack Stephenson
Youth RepresentativeAmber Mullin
For more information please contact: Lou Eyamie, President S.O.S.
sos-renfrewcounty@live.ca Phone: 613-756-6018
And the beat goes on !!! So you don't like windmills... Well I don't like generating stations near my home and I am sure those who live near the nukes would wish these plants would be some where else..
I'll bet however that the farm house in your picture uses electricity. After all how could they use their energy wasting appliances and home entertainment products.
Where the hell do you think this power comes from ??? Could it be from someone else's back yard ?? Of course it does.
Here is what I KNOW about one windmill far, the one near Shelborne Ontario:
These generators produce power only about 35% of the time. Of course this should be no surprise to anyone with a brain. Of course this is better than the coal plants that produce pollution 100% of the time
This power is green.
The Units are NOT noisy. I KNOW this because I have stood beside them.
The community loves these things because:
They like to be known as a community that supports green energy
The project brings jobs and $$$ to the community
The farmers get money each month for each windmill on their property. This seems like a pretty good deal to me as these things only take up a small amount of space yet do not in any way affect their farming operations.
The bottom line here is that ALL groups like SOS always have a secondary motive. They are not just nice tree huggers who want to protect the world. They are always in someones back pocket or stand to gain somehow from their actions.
In the end they delay and destroy projects that could be good for all of us.
So for me I have decided that the next time someone proposes a generator for MY back yard I will agree as long as NONE of the power goes to the SELFISH people who want to protect THEIR back yards.
These SOS people should also realize that the electricity generated by the wind turbines is actually going directly into the region - and directly into their homes! Their homes will be using electricity generated by the wind, not by any coal, natural gas or nuclear generating station. And they won't have to pay any extra for it!
Wow. Selfish small-minded people out to ruin things for everyone. I hope you people get a lump of that coal you love so much for christmas.
And will the government drop your assesement values account one has a windmill on their property. Nobody wants to buy property with a windmill on it! People come to this area from all over the world to view the unspoiled sky. The units may not emit much noise but they do produce low level vibrations which is harmful to one's health. And be sure not to be in the way of one when the braking system system fails on it and the thing self destructs. Perhaps solar panels would be a better choice. The area is primarily used for logging so perhaps these enery companies could install solar panels on previously logged land with the proceeds going to replant the trees in other areas. Corporations have invented the GREEN word only to profit for themselves. And who has the money for their GREEN projects..The workin man thats who. Do you really think all of the world is thinking green? The only one's to profit are the corporations. Do your homework people!
Everyone should watch the show on The Fifth Estate http://www.cbc.ca/fifth/2008-2009/the_gospel_of_green/
and then tells us what side your on.
m1e1m9There are better solutions!
Waste to energy in Sweden!!
The SYSAV facility in Malmö, Sweden burns 200,000 tonnes of garbage every year, producing enough heat and electricity to supply a population of about 600,000 people. The plant, jointly owned by 14 municipalities, is meeting all emission standards set by the Swedish government and by the European Union.
Here's how it works: hazardous material, medical waste and plastics are first removed, as are construction materials, which are reused. The rest is then burned at temperatures reaching up to 1,000 degrees Celsius, creating what are known as "flue gases."
The flue gases are cleaned using an electrostatic precipitator. Basically, these are large sheets of metal, and ash from the burned waste sticks to them. The sheets are shaken periodically to release the ash, which is then transported to a separate silo.
The flue gases heat up water in a boiler. The water is converted to high-pressure steam that runs a generator and produces electricity. The remaining heat is returned to the water boiler and circulated through a network of pipes that supplies hot water heating to homes and businesses.
Stones, gravel, scrap metal and glass that remain from the incineration process are known collectively as "slag." Slag is transported to the landfill site where the scrap metal is sorted and recycled, while the rest is used as road construction material.
- Cheers.
Please raed the article.
I know this string is getting old... but here's my two cents. I've worked to support wind energy as a clean way to displace coal, diesel and nuclear. Granted, a large wind farm can disturb the skyline to a certain extent. But Nobody dies from seeing turbines in the skyline.
Noise? There are certain places where you can hear the turbines but the noise levels are very low. Often, the wind in trees and other obstacles around you covers that of the turbines.
Wind turbine disease? Fiction. The fruit of uneven revenues to the landowners and other people who will see the turbines but won't make money off of them. I've attended (and presented briefs to) countless public hearings and it's the exact same story EVERY time! Funny how a couple THOU a year heals all wind turbine related diseases.
Plus, have you noticed that all the literature about health problems point to one single doctor? A doctor who has been writing and holding conferences (read: MAKING MONEY)on this topic, based that everybody who's not making money off wind turbines wants to hear that they are BAD so they don't have to see them.
That being said, I agree that some projects are too "industrial" and could use a bit more "community feel". The best projects have at least a percentage of community involvement, perhaps through a cooperative.
One of the main problems that forces wind farms to be large (economies of scale, leverage with turbine suppliers) and the kingdom of large financial interests (low cost of capital) is the price per kilowatthour that gov't (read LOBBYO) controlled utilities pay. This low price, which does NOT take into account the huge impact of polluting energy solutions on the environment (externalisation of costs) disqualifies groups with more modest means from building smaller wind farms that could be much more gracefully integrated to the landscape.
Please don't forget the real impact of coal, nuclear, diesel, and even hydro, on the environment. Much worse than a "scarred" landscape.
Ask our friends in Tugg Hill and Lowville in New York state how they like the wind power generators. They have close to 100 of them in the area that take advantage of the highlands and prevailing winds. Many poeple there, while not appreciating the change to the view of thier skyline, also have experienced health problems associated with stress to the body that results from exposure over a long term, to low freqency sound waves being generated by the wind turbins large blades. The effect of the the low frequency transmission results in a pulse like low frequency wave that passes right through the body rather than being reflected. Over time the exposure to these waves would be akin to sitting in front of a real big set of Altec bass woofers. Every pass of the propellers like a bass line that never ends. Woof...Woof...Woof...Woof... That's the sound. Faster in a high wind and slower in a low breeze. The feel of that sound is where the problem happens. We are not meant to be bombarded by low freqency sound waves. People jiggle inside like jello to a certain extent. Expose a bowl of jello over and over with low freq. sound and you'll get what I mean.This is not good for people to varying degrees. Some manage it fine while some report varying levels of dicomfort ranging from a mild unease through to being nauseaus and sick to thier stomachs. Long term effects can be devestating for some.
These effects on some levels are trivial in the quest for subsidized bonus payments per kilowatt hour of wind generated hydro. The people who are intolerant to these effects are not trivial.
The environment is not the only green that will be pursued in the quest for alternative energy sources for many it is the almighty dollar!
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